Robbie Cornelius-Long
1. What Prompted You to Seek Office - A few years ago I wanted to run for office. But at the time I was on the city council & needed to fulfill my obligations. I have been preparing to seek this position for a few years now. I have about 10 years left before I plan on retiring. With the knowledge & experience I have I felt like I'd be a great asset to Fannin County.
2. What makes you qualified to run for this office? - I have been employed in our office for more than 10 yrs. I have taken the opportunity to go the training & classes that were offered. I do all aspects of the job. I am the hardest working in our office. I am dedicated to our office. I care about our customers & I strive to be the best person I can be. I have been trained & can do anything that arises in the office. I'm not afraid to stand up for the employees and our taxpayers.
3. What is the number one initiative you hope to accomplish if elected to this office? I'd like to see our office grow with experience and technology as it advances daily. I want to alternate each employee going to the trainings. I think it's beneficial for all employees to have the opportunity to learn more on the new laws & new things being offered to our county. I want to be the best office with customer service and promptness of each task we have in front of us.