2023 Ambassador Guidelines
Ambassadors are an energetic, hard working group of business owners and community leaders striving for a stronger Chamber and community. Through their goodwill efforts and generosity of their time and commitment, the Ambassador plays an essential role in supporting and representing the Chamber of Commerce. Chamber Ambassadors are Chamber members or employees of Chamber members who know the Chamber and community well and can help educate new and existing members about the benefits of membership and involvement. They are required to be able to demonstrate knowledge of the Chamber and its events, programs and benefits. An applicant must be committed to the mission of the Chamber, must be personable, exhibit a positive attitude, and participate in Chamber events. Attending events gives Ambassadors opportunities to make connections as well as network. Serving as an Ambassador is a privilege and will be on a volunteer basis.
A Chairperson is appointed each year to help provide leadership for the group and to lead introductions at Business After Hours and Ribbon Cutting events.
The cost for participating in the program is $75.00. Ambassadors accrue points for participation. Points will be used for determining Ambassador of the year. Ambassadors must accrue a minimum of 75 points to continue in the program the following year.
An Ambassador of the Year award will be announced at the Annual Chamber Banquet and is based on points accumulation. Enthusiasm and cooperation will also be considered.
Points System
10 POINTS: Recruitment of New Chamber Members (Referrals)- Points count when Chamber application and payment is received.
5 POINTS: Volunteer at Chamber Events - Volunteer at Chamber events such as Golf and Clay Shoot
4 POINTS: Attendance at Ribbon Cuttings - Attend ribbon cuttings for new Chamber members to show support of the Chamber and new Chamber members.
3 POINTS: Business After Hours - Ambassadors attend for the purpose of greeting members and introducing them to other members, Chamber Board and staff.
2 POINTS: Attend Monthly Meetings - Stay abreast of current Chamber issues, programs, events and services.
On-Going: Relay information to the Director of Membership Services (i.e. members experiencing problems, issues that need to be addressed)
On-Going: Promote Chamber programs, events, sponsorships, and participation.
Click to print the 2023 of Ambassador Guidelines Application